First, let me just tell you a secret. The moon is my jam.

At the age of 4, on hot summer nights in New Mexico, bikini clad, towel in tow, I would go “moon tanning”. My sisters tease me about it to this day. Was I a weird kid? Yes. But I think I was also trying to channel the magic of the universe.

I’ve been at it ever since.

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I attended the University of New Mexico and then got my BFA in Photography from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. My first job was product shots for LA magazines--I loved nerding out on the placement of coffee beans and designer beds. Then I spent 12 years as a texture artist--a couple of them in Hawaii, wow--for the gaming industry (remember Riven and Myst?). Eventually got into films, working on Matrix 2 and Matrix 3. I even created the digital skin for Godzilla from a shiny piece of virtual clay.

During motherhood, I started a precious little handmade jewelry business, because, you know, why not.

Then in 2012, I was feeling lost. Broken. Uninspired. And after being professionally photographed by my niece, I suddenly recognized the woman I’d lost touch with. The artist buried underneath. What if I could offer that same experience for women in the world?. That soul-work? The freedom-finding? That sparking of inner fire? So I did.

These days, I’m a Pasadena dweller. A mama of two humans. A teller of truths and fortunes.  I’m fond of bacon, prosecco and British slang. My red velvet couch is my sanctuary. Big gorgeous cups of coffee keep me sane. I do as much self-loathing as the next gal. But I am built for this life--and whatever I do, I do deeply.